Before proceeding, please read and acknowledge the following:
Our mental wellness services are designed to provide support for general mental health and well-being. If you are currently experiencing a crisis or are in need of immediate assistance, we strongly encourage you to seek help from a qualified mental health professional or contact emergency services
Please note that our platform does not provide assessments or diagnoses of mental illness. Our services are intended for informational and supportive purposes only.
By clicking "I Agree," you confirm that you have read and understood the above statements and are not in crisis. You further understand that our services are not a substitute for professional mental health treatment.
If you select "I Do Not Agree" indicating that you are currently experiencing a crisis, we will respond to you with information for resources for immediate support.
Mental Wellness Guide (MWG)
The individuals who provide a brief model of services to customers seeking emotional support before, during, or after they seek mental healthcare treatment with a licensed provider.
The services include but are not limited to:
Providing emotional support and encouragement through active listening, contextual conversation (VCR), asking questions, and connecting.
Aiding with searching for and scheduling with a local and/or virtual therapist if needed.
Helping outline what's needed from a treatment team when eventually engaged in therapeutic services
Assisting in identifying what tools and resources will be helpful to them before, during or after treatment, and directing them to these resources as needed.
Brief Model of Services
Sessions with Mental Wellness Guides that last anywhere from meeting once in a month, to meeting four times in a month (or once a week) before termination of services.
Mental Wellness Guides will meet with you for at least 50 minutes via a private video call.
Mental Wellness Guides help to navigate mental health needs by providing support and resources as needed.
Contact us to set up your 30 minute initial consultation. We will respond within 48 hours of receiving your information
Helping you say yes to mental wellness today.